From People Pleaser to Empowered:

A Journey to Empowered Living in 66 Days!

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About the Course

EmpowerHER: Unleashing Self-Worth and Assertiveness is a transformative online course designed for women seeking to break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and step into their true power.

This comprehensive program comprises Nine modules, each meticulously crafted to guide participants through recognizing and overcoming the pleaser mentality, cultivating deep self-worth, establishing healthy boundaries, mastering assertive communication, and prioritizing self-care.

Through a blend of expert insights, practical tools, and engaging exercises, participants will gain the skills to confidently say 'no,' foster empowerment habits, and ultimately build more meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

Take the First Step

To tailor the financial benefits section of your online course specifically for women who are people pleasers and may have experienced failed relationships, you'll want to connect the course's value and benefits emotionally and pragmatically.

Here's a revision that incorporates these themes:

Empower Yourself Financially with Our Online Course

Transform Your Learning Experience:

Traditional Learning:

Costly Commitments: Typically $150 per session, leading to a significant financial outlay without long-term ownership of materials.

Our Online Course:

Empowering One-Time Investment: Just $197 for a complete four-week course.
Includes: Interactive Live Q&A sessions, providing not just learning but also community support.

Savings and Value: 

Regular attendance at similar in-person courses would cost you about $600 over four weeks. Our course not only saves you over $400 but also equips you with lasting materials and knowledge at no extra cost.

Why This Matters For You:

  • Control Over Your Resources: As someone who might often put others' needs first, here's a learning opportunity that respects both your time and finances.
  • Enduring Benefits: Unlike transient relationships where your investments might not always be reciprocated, our course ensures you receive lasting value—knowledge you keep and can build upon, without continual expense. A Step Towards Self-Care: Investing in your education is a step towards prioritizing yourself, an empowering move for anyone who has felt undervalued in relationships.

Join EmpowerHER today and embark on a personalized

journey towards lasting empowerment and authentic living.


Break free from the cycle of people-pleasing, cultivate a deep sense of self-worth, establish and enforce healthy boundaries, communicate assertively, prioritize self-care without guilt, and foster more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. This course is your personalized roadmap to authentic living and lasting empowerment.

Accessibility and Flexibility: 
  • Participants can access the course from anywhere with an internet connection, providing flexibility to learn at their own pace.
  • Accommodates diverse schedules, making it easier for busy women to integrate the course into their lives.
Expert Guidance: 
  • Access to expert guidance and insights from a Licensed Professional Counselor who specialize in areas of People Pleasing and becoming a woman empowered.
  • Video lessons, and written content will be provided and given comprehensive understanding of the principles behind overcoming people-pleasing.

  • Online courses can be more cost-effective than in-person alternatives, eliminating the need for travel expenses or time away from work.
  • Showcase testimonials from previous participants who have benefited from the course's teachings
Course Outline
Module 1: Recognizing the Pleaser Mentality
  • Understand the patterns and behaviors of people-pleasing.
  • Explore the impact of the pleaser mentality on life and relationships.
  • Begin the journey towards breaking free from the cycle.
Module 2: Building Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
  • Cultivate a profound sense of self-worth.
  • Challenge limiting beliefs hindering confidence.
  • Enhance self-esteem through healthy self-approval and self-validation.
  • Overcome negative self-talk and internalized criticism.
Module 3: Assertiveness and Boundary Setting
  • Identify and establish boundaries prioritizing well-being.
  • Develop assertiveness skills for effective communication.
  • Techniques for setting and maintaining healthy boundaries.
  • Communicate needs and desires effectively.
  • Set healthy boundaries in relationships.
Module 4: Cultivating Empowerment Habits
  • Develop daily practices reinforcing newfound empowerment.
  • Foster a mindset aligning with the journey toward self-discovery.
  • Embrace authenticity and self-expression.
  • Discover personal values and authentic desires.
  • Overcome fears and barriers to expressing oneself.
Module 5: Managing Guilt and Overcoming Approval Addiction
  • Explore the role of guilt in people-pleasing.
  • Strategies for overcoming the need for constant validation.
  • Coping with guilt and embracing self-care.
Module 6: Relationship Dynamics and People-Pleasing
  • Understand how people-pleasing affects different relationships.
  • Develop healthy communication and negotiation skills.
  • Recognize and address codependency.
Module 7: Cultivating Healthy Relationships and Support Systems
  • Effective communication in personal and professional relationships.
  • Recognize healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • Set boundaries and assert oneself in relationships.
Module 8: Resilience and Overcoming Setbacks
  • Forgiveness and Letting Go.
  • Work on forgiving past people-pleasing behaviors.
  • Release emotional baggage for emotional healing.
  • Strategies for reducing fear of rejection.
  • Celebrate progress and embrace self-acceptance.
Module 9: Prioritizing Self-Care
  • Explore the significance of self-care in the journey to empowerment.
  • Develop personalized self-care routines aligned with individual needs.
  • Prioritize well-being without feeling guilty.
Bonus Resources

"As an additional bonus to enhance your journey toward empowerment, I'll be personally showing up live to answer your questions and guide you through the course. This live support ensures that you have real-time assistance, providing clarity and insights as you progress. Additionally, you'll gain exclusive access to a supportive community—a safe space for fellow course participants to share experiences, exchange insights, and foster a sense of camaraderie. Your journey doesn't end with the modules; it extends to a dynamic support system designed to empower you every step of the way. I'm committed to your success, and together, we'll navigate this transformative experience towards becoming an empowered woman."


Anita Sandoval LPC

Video Poster Image

"Hello and welcome to my digital sanctuary, a place where healing, growth, and empowerment come together. I'm Anita Sandoval, a licensed professional counselor with a wealth of experience, the author of 'Broken Chains,' and the host of 'Empowering Women in Conversations' podcast. It's my joy and privilege to guide you on your journey toward a happier, healthier, and more empowered version of yourself. Whether you're here to explore my memoir, listen to our podcast, or consider counseling support, you've found a space dedicated to your personal evolution."

With over 13 years of dedicated practice as a licensed professional counselor at Positive Awakenings Counseling Center, I've had the privilege of helping countless individuals transform their lives, find inner peace, and embark on a journey of personal growth. This virtual space is an extension of my commitment to guiding you towards a brighter, more fulfilling future. Whether you're seeking support, information, or inspiration, I'm here to empower you on your path to positive awakening."

"My journey as a licensed professional counselor has been deeply rooted in helping others find the strength to break their own chains and embrace their full potential. My personal story of transformation is captured in my memoir, 'Broken Chains: How I broke the cycle of abuse and neglect and went from victim to survivor,' available in both English and Spanish. This book offers a raw and inspiring account of my own path to healing, and I'm thrilled to share it with you.
In addition to my writing, I'm also the host of 'Empowering Women in Conversations,' a podcast where we dive into meaningful discussions that aim to uplift and empower women from all walks of life. Whether you're here to explore my counseling services, seek inspiration from my memoir, or tune in to our podcast, you're part of a community dedicated to growth, healing, and empowerment. It's an honor to be on this journey with you."

My Story

"My own path to becoming a licensed professional counselor is deeply rooted in a story of transformation. As a third-generation survivor of abuse and neglect, I know firsthand the challenges and pain that such cycles can perpetuate. However, my determination to break this cycle and become a woman empowered was unwavering.
Through years of personal growth, therapy, and self-discovery, I found the strength to rewrite my narrative. I realized that I could use my experiences to not only heal but also to help others do the same. This journey led me to the field of counseling, where I've spent over a decade honing my skills, gaining valuable insights, and ultimately earning my license.
Today, I'm passionate about guiding individuals and families on their own journeys from generational abuse to generational growth. It's my mission to empower others to break free from the chains of the past and discover their own resilience and potential. I'm living proof that transformation is possible, and I'm here to support you in your own journey of healing and empowerment."

Discover your true identity, Reclaim your strength, and Awaken your hidden potential.


Start Your Journey to Self-Empowerment Today



Always remember that you are not alone. Many others are also on the same journey, facing similar challenges. Together, we can break the stigma surrounding mental health and work towards a happier and healthier future.