PeoplePleaser Powerhouse:

Resources for Empowered Living

Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to Conversations That Work

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Season 1 Episode 2

Take Action! When Fear gets in the Way of a Conversation

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Season 1 Episode 3

Pride Month! "Bringing in to My Life Conversations with the People that Matter the Most."

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Season 1 Episode 4

How To Handle and Manage Stress

Find your free fun cheat where I discussed the Autonomic Nervous System and the Fight/Flight/Freeze when You are under Stress:

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Season 1 Episode 5

Holiday Stress and Grief (Bonus Episode)

In this link you will also find the different stages of grief and some tasks you can begin doing to support you on your path of well-being.

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Season 1 Episode 6

People Pleasing and Appeasing Part 1

You will gain access to a cheat sheet in this link to help yourself on your journey in stopping people pleasing and appeasing.

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Season 1 Episode 7

How to Stop Yourself From the Quick Reflex of Pleasing and Appeasing Part 2

You will gain access to a cheat sheet in this link to help yourself on your journey in unlearning the quick reflex of pleasing and appeasing behaviors.

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Season 1 Episode 8

How to Set Loving Limits/Boundaries instead of People Pleasing and Appeasing Part 3

You will gain access to a cheat sheet in this link to help yourself on learning on how to set loving limits in a way that you believe you are a good person.

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Season 1 Episode 9

Normalizing Conflicts to Decrease the Habit of People Pleasing Part 4

You will gain access to a cheat sheet in this link to help yourself on learning on how to Normalize Conflicts and decrease the habit of people pleasing and appeasing.

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Season 1 Episode 10

How to Know Your Values

Don't want to wait until you hear the whole episode, that's ok,
Below I will give you the cheat sheet on the steps and quick tip on figuring out your values.

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Season 1 Episode 11

How to Align Your Decisions and Behaviors With Your Values

If you are still struggling on saying "NO" and quickly tend to react to saying yes often then listen to this episode to help you out: 

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Season 1 Episode 12

Overcoming the Fear of Rejection and Pain of Abandonment

Want to start learning on how to take the negative sensations from rejection and abandonment from your body : Below I will give you the cheat sheet on how to do just that:

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Season 2 Episode 13

Overcoming the Neediness and Clinginess in Relationships

Want to start learning on how to Overcome the Clingy and Needy Behaviors in Relationships:
 Below I will give you the cheat sheet on how to do just that: 

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Season 2 Episode 14

The Stress of Abandonment Issues Affecting Relationships

Want to start learning on how to Overcome the Clingy and Needy Behaviors in Relationships:
 Below I will give you the cheat sheet on how to do just that: 

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